So basically the entire concept of this blog rests on the idea that inspiration might be anywhere. Sometimes, though, I feel like I spend most of my "anywhere" time on my computer, which doesn't always lend itself to exciting adventures of inspiration. But there's an easy solution--why not make the very act of popping open my laptop an inspiring experience? We see our desktop wallpapers all the time, so they have a lot of potential to affect us. Yes, I realize that it's just a background, but that doesn't mean it can't brighten your mood or trigger some inspiration!
I haven't even had my laptop for a year yet, so I don't have too many past pics. But the first one I started out with was this beauty:
Just look at that sexy bridge! |
It's the Tower Bridge in London! I'd never even heard of the Tower Bridge before, let alone been there, but I can always dig some sweet architecture. Especially bridges for some reason (and doors. Doors are cool), and this one was awesome! Wallpapers are something personal and arbitrary. I don't really have to have a REASON for why this picture spoke to me; it just did.
And now I have my current background which is SO BOSS.
I don't even LIKE tomatoes! |
Warhol is one of my all-time faves, and his soup cans always energize me and inspire me and make me think crazy-possibly-creative-but-mostly-crazy thoughts. This background? Not for everyone. Not everyone wants a million colors screaming at them every time they open their laptop. But that's just the point: for me, it's perfect. For you, there's something else that'll give you a little boost whenever you use your computer. Desktop backgrounds are something so easy to forget about; it's called a background for a reason. But with a minimum of effort you can inspire yourself anytime, anywhere (even if that's while you're lounging in bed).
P.S. A glimpse at a possible future desktop background:
Doesn't that just make you want to DO something? |
Because I still haven't gotten Tokyo out of my system. And THAT is a picture I could wake up to every morning.