I have two preferred settings: doing absolutely nothing and doing absolutely everything. And while there's nothing quite like doing nothing for an extended period of time (who DOESN'T love that?), I have come to discover that I like doing absolutely everything even better. I've become aware of this over the course of many years of careful, scientific investigation (...yeah), but this week was a great reminder of how much I love being busy.
This Tuesday I got some fantastic news: I found out that I get to be a Graphic Design Assistant for my school's student government! I'll be part of next year's Communication Department, and while it may be just a volunteer position, I am SO excited to get started (and a little nervous too). The thing is, I know I will probably end up spending a giant chunk of my (already limited) time on this...and I wouldn't have it any other way!
There's something insanely awesome about knowing that as soon as you finish one thing, there's always something else to challenge you and engage you, and that this cycle will never stop. Right now, I'm about to help launch a promotional campaign for the Earth Week activities sponsored by my environmental club at school. AND I was recently asked by a girl on my floor if I would create some art for her. FOR MONEY! And sure, I've got all this plus class and homework and other activities and an interview on Saturday and an internship search. But someone wants ME to make them art, and that's pretty much the coolest thing that's ever happened to me.
So basically, this laundry list of current events in my life comes down to one thing: I like being busy. But it's more than just "liking" it; that buzz of activity helps me and inspires me. I'm motivated by the time constraints and the pressure, and it has helped me produce some of my best work. I love knowing that around every corner there's something new for me to try, but not quite knowing what exactly that might be. I love having all these potential (and now concrete) outlets for creativity. So maybe I won't be getting a lot of sleep anytime soon, but that's ok. Blasphemous as it may sound for a college student, I've got something better than sleep.
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